How to Earn the Rank of Scout
Otherwise known as Joining
Page 4 of the Boy Scout
- Meet the requirements: any boy who has completed the fifth grade or
is 11 years old, or has earned the Arrow of Light Award, but is under 18
years of age.
- Submit a completed Boy Scout application and health history signed
by your parent or guardian.
- Find a troop near your home.
- Repeat the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Demonstrate the Scout sign, salute, and handshake.
- Show how to tie a square knot.
- Understand and agree to live by the
- Describe the Scout badge.
- With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet
How to Protect Your Child From Drug and Child Abuse.
- Participate in a Scoutmaster conference.
When you
complete these, welcome! You are a Scout! Your Scoutmaster will give you a
certificate of membership, and you can proudly wear the Boy Scout badge
and uniform. You may also subscribe to Boys' Life , the monthly
magazine that is full of exciting articles for and about